The anticipation is building! 😍🙃 Sunday is the day – AGRI TECHNICA 2023!
What can you expect at our stand in Hall 6, Stand H33 in Hanover?
Our topics for you:
➡️ 🆕 Discover the new Agramix spare parts online store for mobile grinding and mixing plants from the manufacturers: Buschoff, Gemelin and Tropper.
➡️ With our conversion and modernization service, we offer real added value for your used mobile grinding and mixing plants.
➡️ We will inform you about our user-friendly preservation products and our modern dosing technology. And much more…
Come and visit us – we look forward to seeing you!
#rottmanngroup #futterkonzepte #mahlundmischanlagen #konservierung #tradition #innovation #erfolg #familienunternehmen #mühlenbetreiber #landwirte #ersatzteile #lkw #buschoff #gemelin #tropper #schnellelieferung #günstigerversand #sortiment #neuershop #themendermesse #agritechnica2023 #onlineshop