And ensure your efficiency on the cattle farm! Rottmann Mega Grain Liquid and Organic Grain Liquid (organic) preservation makes it possible.

The preservation of TMR is particularly important for farmers who run cattle ranches. As cattle (calves, young cattle, dairy cows and fattening bulls) have a special digestive tract, they are dependent on a consistent and high-quality feed supply.

But watch out! Seasonally high temperatures cause your TMR to warm up – due to climate change, this is not only relevant for the calendar summer months. Are you aware of the consequences? It’s high time you decided to conserve your TMR for the benefit of your animals.


And ensure your efficiency on the cattle farm!
Rottmann Organic/Mega Grain Liquid preservation makes it possible.

The preservation of total mixed rations (TMR) is particularly important for farmers who run cattle-livestock farms. As cattle (calves, young cattle, dairy cows and fattening bulls) have a special digestive tract, they are dependent on a consistent and high-quality feed supply.

But watch out! Seasonally high temperatures cause your TMR to warm up – due to climate change, this is not only relevant for the calendar summer months. Are you aware of the consequences? It’s high time you decided to conserve your TMR for the benefit of your animals.


In the summer months or from air temperatures as low as 20 °C, TMR on the feed table and in feed mixers can reheat quickly. Rations with a high starch and sugar content (due to the original silage itself or the use of molasses or grain meal) and mixed rations to which water is added are particularly susceptible. Due to the oxygen introduced during the mixing process and the warm ambient temperature, the microorganisms present in the silage begin to break down sugar and starch very quickly. This not only reduces the palatability, but also the nutritional value of the ration. Heat is produced as a by-product of the microbial metabolic processes.

Reheating is when the temperature of the feed mixture is greater than or equal to 2 °C warmer than the air temperature.

The consequences: reduced feed intake, loss of energy, poorer digestibility, loss of milk yield, unstable health in terms of metabolism and fertility.

You can prevent the mixed ration from heating up on the feed table. On the one hand through the simple hygiene measures for silos, feed mixers and feed tables, and on the other hand through highly effective preservatives that are mixed into the ration.

What our customers say

Tom Leonardy

Farmer from Dickweiler (Luxembourg)

“With a herd of 320 dairy cows, I made an important discovery on my farm: Mega Grain Liquid! This product has proved extremely useful in keeping my animals’ rations stable. I particularly appreciate the fact that it is non-corrosive. As I add water to the feed ration anyway, the product fits perfectly into my routine. Mega Grain Liquid has definitely had a positive impact on my operations.”

Jean Michel Schumacher

Farmer from Ritzing (France)

“Thanks to Mega Grain Liquid, my animals’ feed intake has improved significantly. The feed remains stable and fresh, which preserves the energy in the feed. This convinces me completely!”


As a provider of holistic feed concepts, we know that farmers depend on a balanced diet for their livestock. The products Mega Grain Liquid and Organic Grain Liquid® (organic approval) developed by the Rottmann Group are simply added to the TMR. You stabilize your TMR and thus increase animal health, productivity and profitability on your farm.

Mega Grain Liquid – highly effective preservative to prevent mold and fungal infestation in TMR, feed mixtures, silage, grain and CCM.

Organic Grain Liquid – highly effective preservative to prevent mold and fungal infestation in TMR, feed mixtures, silage, grain and CCM for organic farming. May be used in organic production in accordance with Regulations (EC) No 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008. DE-ÖKO-006; produced according to the specifications of Bioland e.V. Listed in the list of inputs for organic farming in Germany.


Overall, feed preservation for TMR helps farmers to maintain the quality and safety of animal feed and increase the efficiency of their livestock production.

TMR contain a balanced mix of feed components to provide your animals with energy and nutrients. You can achieve protection through preservation for healthy feed quality with the Rottmann products Mega Grain Liquid and Organic Grain Liquid for organic production.

And with the right mix of measures in the preparation and follow-up of feeding, you can achieve additional efficiency for your farm. By taking preventative measures at an early stage, emptying the feed mixer wagons of leftovers, paying attention to the hygiene of feeding tables and adapting animal feeding times and rhythms to the season.

Rottmann supports the success of your cattle farming with holistic feed concepts. Successful feeding – economical, healthy, efficient.