Feed grain stored sustainably

Good performance in livestock farming can only be achieved with high-quality feed.
The quality of the feed always depends on how it is stored.
Rottmann Mega Grain Liquid® and Organic Grain Liquid® (organic) ensure sustainable success.

Immediately after harvesting and during storage, it is advisable to clean and preserve the feed grain.
Only if the preservation measures are carried out professionally and the right preservative is used correctly, …

  • the quality and value of the grain are preserved,
  • losses (due to mould, pests, etc.) can be minimized and
  • the health and productivity of your animals is guaranteed.

We recommend our Mega Grain Liquid preservative in order to optimally preserve the feed grain while also focusing on the health of the person using it.

What our customers say

Holger Böhler

Grinding and mixing company Ketterer from Bonndorf

“Our company has been trading with Mega Grain Liquid for 8 years now. It is particularly important to my wife Carolin and I that we can offer farmers from our customer base a reliable product with many advantages over other preservatives on the market. And this is exactly what we continuously achieve with the Rottmann product Mega Grain Liquid. Our customers simply feel well advised and are happy to order it again.”

Dieter Holt

Contractor from Hopsten

“I am absolutely convinced by the Mega Grain Liquid. Before I knew about the Rottmann product, I was using Luprosil – but this product was too sharp for me and my customers. As I attach great importance to user protection with regard to my employees and my customers, I rely on preservation with Mega Grain Liquid. The feedback from my customers is consistently satisfactory. So far there has not been one serious complaint about Mega Grain Liquid. I am happy to support Rottmann in continuing to push this product.”

Bernhard Mieling

Farmer from Ochtrup

“I have been using Mega Grain Liquid since 2012. I am still convinced by the product. In the past 10 years, I have had no problems at all with my stored grain stocks. I am delighted with the user-friendliness, because I don’t want to put my animals (pigs), which are in the barn next to the grain store, through a pungent odor (as caused by Luprosil). In addition to animal welfare, human welfare also benefits, as external personnel (mill drivers or delivery drivers) are not exposed to any health risks when they are in the warehouse. Another plus point: the machines in the hall in front of my grain store are NOT affected by the use of Mega Grain Liquid.”


Mega Grain Liquid – highly effective preservative to prevent mold and fungal infestation in TMR, feed mixtures, silage, grain and CCM.

Organic Grain Liquid – highly effective preservative to prevent mold and fungal infestation in TMR, feed mixtures, silages, in grain and CCM for organic farming.
Can be used in organic production in accordance with Regulations (EC) No. 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008.
DE-ÖKO-006; produced according to the specifications of Bioland e.V.
Listed in the list of inputs for organic farming in Germany.

We recommend our Mega Grain Liquid preservative in order to optimally preserve the feed grain while also focusing on the health of the person using it.

Mega Grain Liquid is highly effective, very easy to handle and at the same time safe to use, as the pH value of 5.2 is in the user-friendly range.
This makes it very well tolerated by animals and, compared to other preservative acids, almost safe for humans to use.
Skin burns and occupational accidents are virtually impossible when decanting or using the product.
It is not a hazardous substance and corrosion-sensitive storage floors, roofs and walls as well as work tools are spared during use and storage.

Mega Grain Liquid is a proprietary Rottmann development, was created in collaboration with experts and is used by many of our customers to their complete satisfaction. It is quickly absorbed into the grain and can be processed with all dosing and mixing systems.

All of the aforementioned aspects are supplemented by potential energy savings, as wet preservation reduces the need for costly grain drying.

Note: Mega Grain Liquid is also ideal for preserving field beans and all other pulses up to a moisture content of 20 %, beyond this we recommend Mega Corn Liquid.

Prepare everything now to ensure your feed grain harvest with sustainable storage using Mega Grain Liquid from Rottmann.
A few testimonials from our customers confirm their satisfaction with its use and effectiveness.

Another reading tip: the Wochenblatt (issue 24/2023) reports in detail on all aspects of grain storage on pages 36/37.

Rottmann is your reliable partner for the modern requirements of agriculture.